Why Women Faster to be Adult, It's The Reason

Why Women Faster to be Adult, It's The Reason - In looking for a partner, women generally prefer men who are older than him. This is exactly what happened not without reason , women do mature faster than men. So look for an older man as couples will make the relationship walking more harmonious.

At least a recent study conducted by researchers from Newcastle University explained why faster womenfolk into adulthood. The researchers revealed that girls' brains grow faster to make the brain more efficient at work than boys.

When people get older, certain parts of the brain will shrink. This is because the brain automatically "throw" the relationship between the cells that are not necessary, then the brain work even more efficiently. Relationships unused cells it was shrinking and dying .

The results of scanning a part of the brain that do the researchers also showed that this shrinkage process begins in girls around 10 years old. But has not happened even in men aged 20 years.

To find these conclusions, the researchers conducted brain scans on 121 people between the ages of four to 40 years. The participants consisted of men and women.

Marcus Kaiser study investigators, experts nerves from the same university explained, certain parts of the brain shrinkage is a normal learning process. Brain still experiencing growth, although most of its intercellular relationships disappear.

Why Women Faster to be Adult, It's The Reason"It's like when you're in a party. When you talk to a lot of people, you can not concentrate. Unlike when you only talk to one or two people, their voices are easier to hear," he said.

The study, published in the journal Cerebral Cortex that explain, the less relationship to the brain, the easier the brain to work. In addition, long-distance relationships turf brain also required in order to be efficient brain function.

Thus, the reason of "why women faster to be adult". Hopefully it is useful for you.

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