Calorie intake - Calories become a familiar word heard, especially when you are on a diet. But the truth is that calories? Why do we need it and how many calories we need?
Clinical nutrition specialist Samuel Oetoro said, the actual calorie is a unit of energy. So precisely, the body needs energy in units of calories. Energy needed by the body to perform its functions and activities.
"The energy obtained from food. Which is why every food has calories in varying amounts," said Samuel when contacted by Kompas Health.
The difference in calories from food is specified by nutritional value in it. Nutrients that contain the highest calories is fat, followed by carbohydrates and proteins.
"Then compared to the size of a gram, fat contains nine calories, carbohydrates and protein are both four calories," said Samuel.
Calories a person needs varies depending on several factors, including age, sex, weight, height, and activity. This is because these factors determine the amount of energy released by the body.
Samuel pointed out, for example, a healthy adult males usually requires intake of 2,000 calories per day. While as age increases, the lower the caloric needs.
"To determine the appropriate caloric needs for each individual, the calculations required by the experts. Nevertheless, the overall caloric requirements influenced these factors," said a doctor who practiced at the Siloam Hospital.
Samuel explains, calorie needs should be satisfied in order to maintain normal body functions. However, if you have special needs, such as the wish to raise or lower the weight, the amount of calories needed may be different.
"To lose weight, one must eat less than caloric needs, vice versa with increasing weight. However, should not be too drastic because it would disturb the function of the body. Ideally, weight loss of two to four pounds in a month," he concluded.
Clinical nutrition specialist Samuel Oetoro said, the actual calorie is a unit of energy. So precisely, the body needs energy in units of calories. Energy needed by the body to perform its functions and activities.
"The energy obtained from food. Which is why every food has calories in varying amounts," said Samuel when contacted by Kompas Health.
The difference in calories from food is specified by nutritional value in it. Nutrients that contain the highest calories is fat, followed by carbohydrates and proteins.
"Then compared to the size of a gram, fat contains nine calories, carbohydrates and protein are both four calories," said Samuel.
The deciding factor caloric intake
Calories a person needs varies depending on several factors, including age, sex, weight, height, and activity. This is because these factors determine the amount of energy released by the body.

"To determine the appropriate caloric needs for each individual, the calculations required by the experts. Nevertheless, the overall caloric requirements influenced these factors," said a doctor who practiced at the Siloam Hospital.
Different needs of different amount of calories
Samuel explains, calorie needs should be satisfied in order to maintain normal body functions. However, if you have special needs, such as the wish to raise or lower the weight, the amount of calories needed may be different.
"To lose weight, one must eat less than caloric needs, vice versa with increasing weight. However, should not be too drastic because it would disturb the function of the body. Ideally, weight loss of two to four pounds in a month," he concluded.
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